Wealthy Women

A 90 minute healing experience to free yourself from the unconscious shackles of self sabotage and activate your abundance codes for more love and money 

This is for the soul aligned women who currently have their own business and are ready to unleash a deeper level of service to their clients and increase their impact by dissolving a deeply rooted wounds that is sabotaging their ability to receive more wealth by expanding your heart

Gorgeous women…

Are you struggling with desiring more impact and money yet feeling like a shame ridden sleazebag thinking spiritually and money can’t coexist?

Do you feel you are meant for more yet fearing the judgments of others if you fully embody being a wealthy woman?

Do you find yourself secretly wishing you could be in charge of your financial future and have the divine abundance you desire to live life on your terms and actually live your vision board life?

I’m here to tell you…

There is an easier way!

3 years ago I was stuck in sabotage patterns of over giving my time, undervaluing my work and blocked from receiving more cash and clients. My energy and vision were mismatched frequencies and I was on the verge of throwing in the towel. I realized taking more action was not going to solve an energetic problem. I dove in, learnt the science behind manifestation and blended it with the woo woo which healed my old stories and traumas and has allowed me to transform my sabotage patterns unlocking new abundance codes for love, money and impact. 

How would it feel to:

✔️Recalibrate the inner battle between mind and heart as you raise your vibration skyhigh and connect mind, heart and soul to work in unison towards your wealth goals

✔️Heal the deeply rooted wounds around feeling worthy of aligning with wealth that can only come from being empowered

✔️Move from feeling shameful around money as you become a woman who is joyful, prosperous, spiritual and wealthy

✔️Remove guilt of wanting more for yourself and shift into a confident woman who claims her right to do things her way

✔️Release the “I Am Not Worthy” story that is running at the unconscious level and unleash your magnetism, allowing you to feel deeply worthy and deserving of living your most loving and wealthy life

Clients who have experienced this have had results like:

🌹“I can't thank you enough for your voodoo magic. I have been given an opportunity to double my pay and it's all thanks to you!" ~Georgia 

🌹"So crazy, when I got off zoom with you, I checked my phone and got a message from 2 different people that they wanted to sign up for my signature offer!" ~ Leonie

🌹"Umm what just happened? Within 14 hours of my session with you I had a client reach out and enrol in my high ticket offer after not enrolling anyone into this offer for months. It was the easiest sales ever.  Thank you for holding space for me and guiding me to heal things that were out of my awareness, until I worked with you. This is magic." ~Kristine

🌹"I was actually able to take my daughter to an appt 2 hours away without getting stressed and totally overwhelmed I have only been able to drive in town since an accident I had over 10 years ago. I was able to actually do the speed-limit this time which is a huge accomplishment for me. My daughter was super proud of me too. Thank you so much!" ~Leona

During this 90 minute healing journey, you will get to experience various healing modalities that will help you integrate and implement the breakthroughs, changes and shifts long after our session together. Using Melissa’s NLP Reprogramming, Reiki, Hypnosis, TIME Techniques™, Success Coaching, inner child healing, embodiment and energetic tracking work, and Emotion Code™ and more based on Melissa’s extensive experience and credentials (6x Master board certified in neuro energetics)  

This is an intro offer for new clients only - at $333 CAD

If this resonates, I would love to work with you!

Click the BOOK NOW button 

Please note: there are no refunds. All sales are final


Can I purchase this now and book my appointment in the future?

The session must be complete within 30 days of purchase. 

What if I can't find a time that works for me?

No problem. Communication is key! If you are unable to find a time that works for you, please send me an email and we can arrange a day/time that works.

Do you offer refunds?

No, all purchases are final.

Do you guarantee results?

I cannot guarantee results.  Everyone is at a different place in their journey and although this session can help accelerate your results it is not the be all end all solution. There are several layers that need to be addressed/healed/transformed for success to be integrated at your next level. 

If you have any questions before you purchase the course please send me an email yourcoachmelissa@gmail.com and I will get back to you.

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 One-to-one Session
 $ 333.00 CAD

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