Aligned Abundance

A 5 day self paced program that helps awakened women attract more wealth without the struggle of another fluffy feel good manifestation course where nothing really changes, using a proven energetically aligned method to call in more of what you desire

Detox your mind of the outdated beliefs that are keeping you stuck in Struggleville and shift into feeling deeply lit up and magnetic to what you desire


Breakup with bad habits that are keeping you playing small and not asking for more and become a confident Queen who calls in an abundant reality


Free yourself from feeling bound to your karma and family drama and rewire your system and become a powerful Creatrix who attracts limitless riches


Release feeling stuck in a prison of scarcity as you unlock your healing codes and step into pleasure and joy 

What if you finally knew how to elevate your abundance?

And you didn’t have to spend years running in circles trying to figure things out on your own!

Healers, visionaries and awakened souls know how important it is to live in alignment if they want to feel fulfilled, free and abundant. 

But there is a problem…..

You have probably already done all the 'right' things

You have used your affirmations, created a vision board, have sat in meditation, followed what the gurus have said and yet it doesn't seem to work working

You are sitting there wondering what you are doing wrong...

That maybe you can't manifest what you deeply desire

It can feel hard to get results when your energy is out of alignment and you are sending out mixed up signals to the Universe

Let’s be honest, you don’t want to waste more time and money on things that don’t get you results. You want to come into alignment as quickly as possible so you can bring your vision board to life!

It is time to get it right so everything else in your life can effortlessly expand into abundance and you can move forward with confidence and ease. 


Finally breaking up with the beliefs that are keeping you on Struggle Street and confidently claim your desires with pleasure and joy

Leap off the hamster wheel of chasing your desire while feeling frustrated af and shift into peace as you confidently expand into your birthright...abundance

Change the thoughts that are keeping you tied to the illusion of scarcity and expand into the frequency of receiving with gratitude 

When you sign up for Aligned Abundance you will get...

Day 1: Tuning Into Abundance

Day 2: Overcoming Resistance

Day 3: Daily Expansion 

Day 4: Get Into The Abundance Frequency Instantly 

Day 5: Daily Alignment Practice

PLUS: each day will be accompanied by inner recalibration work because it's the inner shifts that create epic results!

Bonuses Include:

PDF: Additional resources to upgrade and stabilize your frequency

Masterclass: Shifting the Abundance Paradigm

3 x 30 minute Expansion sessions : recalibrate your energy, mind and heart as you dissolve the outdated beliefs and rise into your new reality  


"Omg thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I just did the abundance healing!!! The chills and emotions I felt throughout the whole process was incredible. It was almost a roller coaster of feeling things that I haven't wanted to really admit in my life which was keeping me in the scarcity side. I am so thankful for these healings. Thank you so much for your work, it has helped me shift so much in a short amount of time!!" - Crystal 

"This was another eye opening experience. I did not realize my resistance had so many aspects to it and that I had so many limiting beliefs about abundance. My biggest resistance has to do with having difficulty aligning with my own creativity and second guessing myself. Thank you for your guidance and insight, it helped me gain knowledge about what is blocking me and the healings have helped me transform my abundance story!" - Danielle

"I am particularly enjoying the new clients I'm working with. They seem to be a lot more committed to doing the work themselves with my assistance - rather than looking to be fixed. The abundance keeps flowing in!" - Debra

"Just went for a walk listening to the first lesson and as I was thinking about abundance I came across so many white feathers of confirmation" - Kara 


I don’t just teach the fluffy feel good stuff, I teach the stuff I personally use. This is the exact system I used to change my relationship with myself, my mindset, energy and of course abundance. 

I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve tried all the personal development stuff. I’ve taken hundreds of courses, read the self help books and gone to workshops. I always felt good afterwards but nothing really changed. It was a short term solution. I don’t know about you but I like solutions that literally change my life and allow me to be a better version of myself. That is why I said enough, I am looking for more than a feel good solution. I want to go deep into inner work and create real and long term solutions. That is exactly what I am sharing with you now!

I've helped healers, lightworkers and awakened souls go from confused to confident. I’ve worked with hundreds of women from coaching them to mentoring through online programs, I have seen the confusion, the fear, the limiting mindset and the programs that have been held within their energy system for years and even generations. But through my transformation work I have seen them blossom and confidently step into their birth right - abundance. 

Hey, I’m Melissa! 

I invite you to skip the shiny object syndrome and all the free content that will leave you feeling overwhelmed and scattered and learn from someone who has walked the path before you. Open yourself to femme power, abundance and happiness as you stand confidently in your fullest potential and claim what you desire. 

I’m not only a coach but also a yoga teacher and healer. I have over 10+ years in real world and proven experience in energetic healing and transformation. I help you fall in LOVE with yourself, your voice and vision so you can say good-bye to your inner critic that has you playing small and abandoning your vision and hello to your magnetism and impact. I laser in on your mindset, energetics and abundance coding and help you become the embodiment of your 3.0 self. You will feel yourself come alive as you dance under the moon claiming all your magic.

This is for you if…..

  • You are committed to showing up and doing the inner work to shift your outer reality
  • You are ready to take responsibility for your life, goals and abundance
  • You are ready to step into your next level self now 
  • Sick of seeing others align with abundance easily and wondering why you can’t

This is NOT for you if….

  • You need 1:1 coaching/support
  • You are looking for someone to save you - only you can do that :)
  • You aren’t ready to commit to the inner work that is required to create lasting changes
  • If you’re looking for a secret get rich quick technique
  • If you believe abundance is all about finances 
  • If you are not willing to implement the teaching and healing 


What kind of abundance will I receive from implementing this program?

If your only goal is a get rich quick approach, this isn’t for you. But if you want to call in more abundance to consistently flow into your reality that is going to require you to dismantle the outdated stories. Which is the process we will be doing together through biohacking your nervous system. The kind of abundance you receive will depend on your intentions.

How do I know I will get results?

With all things in life, your results are up to you. I provide the guidance outlined above, but in the end, it is up to you to implement. Everyone is at a different place in their journey and although this course can help accelerate your results it is not the be all end all solution. There are several layers that need to be addressed/healed/transformed for abundance to be integrated at your next level. Are you willing to hold yourself accountable?

I’ve invested in manifestation methods before and didn’t get the results I wanted. I’m afraid this will be more of the same. How do I know it will work?

That fear is legit. 

I invested in a manifesting course  

I showed up ready and willing to do the work 

What was offered was more surface level

Been there, done that. Not interested in mainstream mindset/manifestation 

Felt like I was running in circles and going nowhere

It was trash!

I decided I didn’t want anyone else to go through fluffy, surface level techniques that offer mediocre results at best

Your fear is a good sign, it can feel scary to leave the comforts of what you are familiar with. Are you the kind of person who is committed to your next level self, the version of you who has the abundance she desires?

What will we be doing?

We will be dismantling outdated beliefs as you imprint new thought forms into your body and mind. We will soothe the nervous system as you activate the power within you to magnetize the abundance you desire.

If you have any questions before you purchase the course please send an email and I will get back to you personally. 

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 Aligned Abundance
 $ 297.00 CAD

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